Quoi, des chaussures ? / What, shoes ?
A short animation (02’36’’)
Screenplay and directing: Gregory Buchakjian
Editing: Patrick Sfeir
Music: Soap Kills

Two shoes aren’t necessarily a pair of shoes, especially when contained in two boxes separated by a distance of 39 years. 

Deux chaussures ne forment pas forcément une paire de chaussures. Surtout lorsqu’elles sont placées dans deux conteneurs que trente neuf ans de distance séparent.
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©gregory buchakjian. all rights reserved
<< details
>> Public screenings
- Festival de Genève La Batie (09'2006, http://www.batie.ch)
- Beirut,Ayam Beirut Al Cinema'iya (10'2006, http://www.beirutdc.org)
- Beirut, Nafas Beirut (11'2006, http://www.xanaduart.com/nafas.html)
- Beirut, Al Namlé At3a (2006)
- Dubai International Film Festival (12'2006, http://dubaifilmfest.com)
- Sydney Arab Film Festival (02'2007, http://sydneyarabfilmfestival.com)
- London - Shorts & Shawarma, (04'2007, http://www.institut-francais.org.uk)
- Paris, Maison des cultures du monde  (04'2007)
>> related projects:
- Agenda 1979
- This is a slide of my house