Where do filmmakers go?

170 photographic prints of screenshots from 17 feature films shot in Beirut from 1975 to 1990
Overall: 270 x 300 cm (approx.)
Each print: 10 x 15 cm

170 photogrammes tirés de 17 films tournés à Beyrouth entre 1975 et 1990
Ensemble: 270 x 300 cm (approx.)
Chaque tirage: 10 x 15 cm

Where do Filmmakers
go? Where do Filmmakers go? Maps the precise locations of 17 feature films shot in Beirut from 1975 to 1990. Taking as a departure point Vartan Avakian's The Revenge of Geography Heroes, Beauty Queens and Lebanese Action Cinema 1979-1989 A Topographic Survey of Beirut, alongside which it was exhibited, this intervention explores the choices of filming spots in a city divided and torn between conditions of war and simulacra of normality. Denoting the various narrative uses of spaces, between idealization and dystopia, it also constitutes an archeology of images, unveiling discoloration, grain and various alterations of the films.

Where do Filmmakers go? was conceived for the exhibition of the 2nd Alba Ciné-rencontres, "Filming in Times of War 1975-1990", co-produced by the School of Visual Arts and the School of Cinema at Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts. The exhibition also featured Fouad Elkoury, Warriors, from the casting of Volker Schlondörff's Circle of Deceit, Salah Saouli, The Seven Lives of Mr Said and Vartan Avakian's The Revenge of Geography Heroes, Beauty Queens and Lebanese Action Cinema 1979-1989 A Topographic Survey of Beirut.

Where do filmmakers go? restitue les emplacements précis de plans tirés de dix-sept films de cinéma tournés à Beyrouth entre 1975 et 1990. Prenant comme point de départ The Revenge of Geography Heroes, Beauty Queens and Lebanese Action Cinema 1979-1989 A Topographic Survey of Beirut de Vartan Avakian aux côtés de laquelle elle fut exposée, cette intervention examine les choix de lieux de tournage dans une ville divisée et prise en tenailles entre états de guerre et simulacres de normalité. Éclairant sur les différents emplois narratifs des espaces, entre idéalisation et dystopie, elle constitue également une archéologie de l’image, faisant ressortir les décolorations, grains et diverses altérations subies par les supports filmiques.

Where do filmmakers go? a
été conçue pour les 2e ciné-rencontres de l'Alba "Filmer en temps de guerre, 1975-1990", coproduites par l'École de Cinéma et l'École des Arts Visuels à l'Académie libanaise des beaux-arts. L'exposition comportait également Fouad Elkoury, Combattants, du casting du Faussaire de Volker Schlondörff, Salah Saouli, The Seven Lives of Mr Said et Vartan Avakian, The Revenge of Geography Heroes, Beauty Queens and Lebanese Action Cinema 1979-1989 A Topographic Survey of Beirut.


Al-mamar al-akhir (Youssef Charafeddine, 1981) watch trailer
Al-moujazef (Youssef Charafeddine, 1983)
watch trailer
Al-moutawahishoun (Rida Myassar, 1982)
watch movie
Al-qarar (Youssef Charafeddine, 1981)

Al-rou’ya (Youssef Charafeddine, 1985)

Awdat al-batal (Samir Al-Ghoussaini, 1983)
watch movie
Azab al-oumahat (Rida Myassar, 1986)
watch movie
Bayrût al-liqâ’ (Borhane Alaouié, 1981)
watch extract
Beirut The Last Home Movie (Jennifer Fox, 1987)
watch trailer
Die Fälschung (Volker Schlöndorff, 1981)
watch trailer
Ghazl el-banet (Jocelyne Saab, 1985)
watch trailer
Hamasât (Maroun Bagdadi, 1980)
watch extract
Hasna wa’l amaliqa (Samir Al-Ghoussaini, 1984)
watch movie
Houbbi al-lazi lâ yamoût (Youssef Charafeddine, 1984)
Houroûb saghira (Maroun Bagdadi, 1982)
watch extract
Nahla (Farouk Beloufa, 1979)
watch extract
Wajhan li-wajh (Ahmad Fouad, 1976) 

©gregory buchakjian, all rights reserved

2e Ciné-Rencontres de l'Alba: Filmer en temps de guerre, Académie libanaise des beaux-arts, Alba, Beirut, 2019
website: https://alba.edu.lb/french/cine-rencontres-avril-2019

Articles and texts

- Saad Chakali, "Beyrouth, de l'aube à l'aube", Des nouvelles du front, 17'04'2019

- Hady Zaccak, "Petites et grandes guerres : Une filmographie des longs métrages tournés au Liban pendant la guerre civile (1975-1990)", Regards, n.24, Oct. 2020

- Claire Launchbury, Marilyn Matar, Max Silverman, "Ciné-archivistes and the Metaleptic Archive of  Lebanese Cinema", Regards, n. 26, 2021
related projects

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